Thursday, December 29, 2011

hepy ever after

[jawab gatai, ta jawab dosa] panggg! abeh tu, nak buat cmna lar. jawab lar senang.
oke. entry kali ne, aq na story pasai couple2 yg suweet dan bahagia skrg ne.
jelesss tu --" haha, gediks kau! mana ada, aq baik lar (:

hmm, best tgok couple2 yg hepy dan saling memahami ne.
for example, cam artis lisa surihani + yusry.
diorang declare ta lama pon, tapi kawen terus!
bagi aq, hubungan diorang ne matang.
ye lar, yusry tu pon agk berumur, so kena la kawen cpt2.
cewah, pandai2 aq je kata dy berumur, mintak maaf pacik yusry ^^

even, my best friend pon ada her own boyfie.
diorang kenal sejak kecik lagi.
aq tgok diorang heppy je, tadak masalah pon.
boyfie dy pon syg gila dkt kawan aq tuh.
almost every week, diorang msti jumpa. [betoi dak titah (:]
tapa, merapatkan silaturrahim. hakhak :D
the most important is diorang tao batas2 pergaulan suda..
i trust them! :))
aq harap sgt nnti dapat kad jemputan kawen from NUR ATIQA + MOHD NAQIB ..
bole makan free.

meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice,
but falling in love with you was beyond my control <3
waww! sentap ati maknak aq dgaq ayt ne, mendalam sunggoh (:
bravo, cik titah, terer ag!

couple blogger yang femes.
da bertunang pon!
yea, maria elena zarul and her cute dato'
suker sgt video ne, tatao napa..

oke. now artis pulak.
oppss, bukan artis lar, retiss. haha, silap.
skrg ne, byk da retiss yg berkahwin.
elok tu, elakkan kontroversi dan tingkatkan prestasi.
[aikk, bukan melodi pya tagline ker]
hah, lantak lar (:

retiss mesia yg plg sweet bgi aq..
awal ashaari + scha alyahya!
diorang na kawen da pon, after lisa and yusri.

the handsome meet the pretty~

siyez aq SUKA gambaq ne!
suka sangattt..
cam nak gigit ja muka awal ngan scha ne.
can i eat both of you??
lol -,-"

w0w, same looks!
suwett na mampos.
gigit jari gua tgok picture ne

awal called scha 'princess' oke!
damn jeles, rite?

PRINCESS HOUR versi malaysia!
ne diorang pya pre wedding photo :-)

oke. yang ne plak da nak kawen.
klaw ta silap, bulan 2 ne kot.
entah r, bukannya aq tao sgt pun. haha
here they are.
the most beautiful lisa surihani and her soul mate, yusry :))

she is damn pretty!
manis sgt muka dy.

yea, semua hepy ending ! :)

1 comment:

  1. haha .thanks ceyrahh :))
    we are not a perfect couple .tp kami saling memahamii .jodoh di tangan tuhan .kita hanya mampu aturkan right ?so ,just wait and see .tnggu jea kad kawen aku ngn dia .heheh :)
